And Sam officially meets the parent's tomorrow. Freak out.
Yay! Kat!!! It’s Fruegel Friday already!!!! I love fruegel Friday’s! As for the OP, always treat your MOM right b/c she was the one that BORE you. Yes, mabye she is getting a little cranky and opinionated, but in a way, we all are in one way or other. It sound’s like you and me are around the same age — my mom is younger and I am probabley younger then you, but I expect that I am cranky to my mom, but my mom bake’s me pie’s and make’s meat for me to take home so I do NOT have to cook myself in my apartement.
Have a great Friday. Tomorrow, Sam is driveing me out to LI to eat with Mom and Dad, and Mom know’s he is a VEEGAN, so she is goieng to whip up a VEEGAN Salad. YAY!!