Monday, August 12, 2013


I really don't know what to say about the Komendant's reminiscences, since I can barely handle hearing anything about DAD even when it's all rated G. Moveing on! I appreciate the impatience brewing toward the bottom here, but don't understand why Sam has apparently been ruled out already. As Ellen herself admit's, he does not necessarily pick his nose, and we don't have any other negatives about him thus far.

Ellen :
I love this dress, but OMG, what is with her knee’s?
I am back at work today finaly after a week in Virginia with Dad. I am tired! I stayed the weekend in LI, b/c Dad did NOT want to stop in Manhattan, but went RIGHT across the bridge into LI. He could have stopped but said he was in a hurry, and would NOT even drop me off by a subway station b/c it was NOT safe he said. I said I used the subway all the time, but he did NOT want me walkeing around in a bad neighborhood. I did NOT post earlier, b/c Dad would NOT let me use his Mac. FOOEY! It was OK b/c I spent time w/ mom and we ate 2 apple pies she made! YAY!!!! Dad was not happy about that and said my tuchus would be just like hers in 5 years if I keep it up. FOOEY b/c I execercise with his FITBIT and she does NOT.
I had the BEST time with the Komendant on Friday. We ate at the cafeteria (gross), and I found out he actualy was not the Komendant, but just some sort of ex military attachee who worked with Dad in the service and now does specialized work for the goverment. He is the onley guy who has been able to realy embarrass Dad, b/c he knows alot of what Dad did when they were together in Eastern Europe. He was very nice to me. He said to Dad ” She just can’t be your kid! No way! How in the world did THIS incredibley beautiful girl (me) come from such a wormy horn-toad like you!” OMG, Dad was speecheless! The Komendant, who dad warned me looked like a refrigereator with a square head, told a very gross story about Dad and him and 3 very pretty young women at a gymnaseium that Dad promised me I would NEVER repeat to mom — they were NOT married at the time, but they were dateing and I even think they may even have been engaged. I would not tell mom b/c it was too embarasing. He called it GLAZZNOST. Whatever, but I guess even dad was lecherus when he did his milatery service, and the 3 Europeean women were suposedly very abel to satisfy his need’s and the Komendant said gave Dad some “serious stress relief behind the iron curtain. ” FOOEY b/c Alan made me do thing’s like GLAZZNOST in NYC, and we were NOT even married or engaged! DOUBEL FOOEY!
Madeline made a mess of my case’s and just threw the paper’s back on my desk, but did NO work on the breif’s I had been workeing on. I don’t think the manageing partner care’s that I have to submit them by Friday for next Tuesday’s hearing’s so I will be real busy this week. FOOEY! Sam wanted to meet me this weekend in LI, but I did not want him to show up with his fancy car and start pickeing his nose in front of Mom and Dad, even if he does have a British accent. They would I think push him on me just b/c he has alot of money and a big BMW. Also, he does NOT even like meat or gluten or anything much so I do NOT think he would eat mom’s apple pie or anything else I could cook for him! FOOEY on GLUTEN! Why can’t a NORMAL guy with alot of money from the Hamton’s just come and marry me this Summer so I would NOT have to deal with so many NYC guys that just want to have fun with me? I perfer just to get married now, live in the Hamton’s and have a child this year so I get the $50,000 from Grandma Leyeh, and NOT have to date so many of these horn-toad’s. I think I am NOT getting any where on that and will loose the money. FOOEY!
I have alot of catcheing up to do now with my freind’s so I hope the hive and Kat all have a great week YAY!

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