Yay! I love this Blouse, and the model look’s alot like Rosa! I will show her the picture and mabye she will buy it. The neckline would be great for Frank, but I do NOT want to encourage him lookeing at me! FOOEY!
As for the OP, yes, litiegation can be sink or swim or feast and famine, depending on how many case’s you have on your docket. That is why the manageing partner has me workeing like a hamster on a exercycle wheel, ALWAYS lookeing for more case’s from my cleint’s. Now he has me pusheing Sam and Willem for case’s even tho there are NOT alot of WC case’s EVER comeing out of bank’s. What are they suposed to get hurt closeing up a laptop? FOOEY! I do NOT think I am ever getting any VOLUME from them like I do from Roberta and Jim and other’s I am WOOING who have alot of employee’s that do MANUEL labor. We are now WOOING a firm that does BUILDING MAINETENANCE, and there are alot of peeople who they hire that get hurt on the job — so they say, and we are telling them MY track record —that I win about 93% of my case’s and this means’ less payout for them, or less INSUREANCE PREMIUM’s if they are NOT self insured. So mabye we will get the busness. I am meeting with 2 guy’s next week from their company who the Manageing Partnermet at the Lamb’s Club for lunch. YAY!!!
I am still STUFFED from the deli and pie I ate with Myrna last night. It is a lucky thing I walked to work w/my fitbit today, or my TUCHUS would be a size 8 by now. DOUBEL FOOEY!