Thursday, August 2, 2012

FOOEY on all of you!

This from the morning post. I'm always amused when Ellen and her associates expect Kat to take some kind of action to resolve their concerns.
Even I cannot attempt to establish whether Jill and Lourine are on the same side or at odds in the ongoing struggle of Ellens. I think I'm done trying to sort this--if only as an experiment, to see whether I'm one of the alleged FAKE MINOIONS whose actions matter here. Perhaps if I treat all Ellens equally, without comment, from now on, they will work it out among themselves (which was always my preference).
One observation in favor of this resolution: I notice that Ellens never quibble with each other on factual matters. Nowhere has one Ellen corrected the other Ellen, that is, on elements or events in her life. Pragmatically speaking, obviously, this is because they are both/all "fake," and neither/none wants to call attention to it. In the more creative spirit of Ellen and ELLENWatch, however, I say they're not calling each other out for saying anything objectively wrong because Ellen always has been, and always will be, a collaborative endeavor.
Hopefully, this is my final word on the various Ellens vying for credible authenticity. But instead of "FOOEY on all of you," I say play on, playettes. 

Jill August 2, 2012 at 1:19 pm
Ptooey on this fake Ellen, Kat! Ptooey!
Ellen August 2, 2012 at 3:59 pm
This is getting RIDICULUOS! I am the REAL Ellen! I’m tired of the FAKE Ellen saying that I AM THE FAKE Ellen, and her FAKE minoions doing the SAME. FOOEY on all of you!
Senior Attorney August 2, 2012 at 5:49 pm
I think the real Ellen is a MUTCH BETTOR SPELLOR than this fake Ellen.

Read more:


  1. I'm glad you've come to some kind of resolution. This was getting exhausting!

    1. Hopefully it sticks--on me and my MINIOINS. Speaking of which, I just saw your repping of "Team ELLENWatch" from last night. Sweet of you! You know I am done with the topic that was being discussed, and ideally nobody would have any comments in the first place--but I was heartened to see that some others feel similarly. I didn't mean to start a "team," but if I have one then everyone is invited to be on it.

    2. I will heretofore imagine the fake Ellen minions just like the minions in Despicable Me, as the little yellow lego shaped dudes who communicate through chirps. It is why Ellen has such trouble with spelling.

      And clearly, you know I was repping Team Ellenwatch when I was out in the cruel Tumblr world...and it has backfired. Silly people, not understanding my purpose. :-)

    3. If you're referring to some time I was mentioned on Tumblr, I'm afraid I don't know. I've kept true to my vow never to read STFU again. But thanks? I hope?

  2. When people ask why Kat doesn't "filter out" Ellen, it makes me wonder if she could and if that would answer the "how many Ellens" question. If it's different people with different email addresses (but same handle) posting as Ellen, Kat would have no way to filter (or at least that's how I read it). In any case, I find Ellen entertaining but find your analysis even more so. Keep on!

    1. Hey NOLA! Thanks for stopping by! And yes--if you missed them, Kat has shared with us at ELLENWatch the logistical elements of filtering Ellen, along with the calls she has made along the way:

