Tuesday, August 28, 2012

a respecteable date like me.

I really did think we'd heard the last of Harold. (Review: this is MP's 22-year-old nephew last seen rubbeing up against Ellen in the pool at the July 4th party in the Hamton's.) Yet MP evidently has not let this idea die. I like the image of grunchie Harold mysteriously loitering outside Ellen's apartment. No, she doesn't suggest he was there INTENEIONALLY, but I think it's possible. Jim may not know where Ellen lives, but Big Bald Boss sure does--and Harold moved 5 blocks away as of June. 

Lovely reader advice on this one, by the way. While my quixotic advocacy of Nerdy Guy certainly goes on, I particularly admire karenpadi's creativity here, since my records do not reflect any additional MP nephew of whom we're aware so far. How great would it be, though? Ellen marries into MP's family! That way she could stop working and get a WALK-IN closet, but still regale us with storie's about her uncel-in-law. I doubt he would stop ooogleing either. 

Can't wait to hear how this formal family event goes. But isn't it just like Ellen not to tell us when it is? 

Ellen August 28, 2012 at 5:09 pm
RB is right! Peep toe’s are OUT at my law firm. The manageing partner forbid’s me from even wearing them any where! And no reimburesement either. That is OK b/c I am not a big fan anyway.
I saw Harold outside my apartement yesterday and now the manageing partner is askeing me to go out with him again. He is MUCH to young for me and I am not even sure Harold has a job b/c he was dressed all GRUNGIE in the middle of the day. If he was workeing, he would have had nicer clotheing on.
I TOLD the manageing partner that he was NOT for me, but the manageing partner just said PISHAW, I should try goieng out with him.
I think the manageing partner wants me to date Harold b/c there is a big formal family event comeing up and I am guesseing that Harold needs a respecteable date like me. When I last saw Harold, he was with his silly college freinds, and they were all grunchie, and the women were definiteley not what Harold’s uncle wants. Most of them had tattoo’s that to me speled “TRAMP STAMP” all over their tuchuses’ any way. FOOEY!
I do NOT think that just b/c I work for the manageing partner that I should have to date Harold. He should find a younger person with more in common. All he does is stare at me and does not have the knowlege or sophistecation that I do b/c I am a lawyer admitted to the NY Bar, and he is a college kid with NO expereience. FOOEY!
karenpadi August 28, 2012 at 5:29 pm
Ellen, you should go to the big formal family event with Harold and leave the event with the manageing partner’s handsome, intelligent, billionaire (other) nephew from California. A word of warning: the other nephew might dress grungie, too–’cuz that’s how we roll on the Left Coast.
Monday August 28, 2012 at 6:02 pm
Myrna seems to be OK with YOUNGER guy’s. Maybe she should GO with Harold and you can CALL UP Nerdy Guy!

Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/08/28/coffee-break-amethyst-snake-embossed-heel/#ixzz24sheTYLK

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