Friday, August 31, 2012

I was the same person even before I became a lawyer

It is beyond doubt that ELLEN was the same person even before she became a lawyer, but I enjoy having to reflect on it anyway. The first thing I imagined was some kind of prequel, as I've heard is being done with some of our other favorite fictional NYC female professionals. But then to the present--What kind of Ellen content would we have if she didn't find us through the ABA and then lawyer-dominated Corporette? What credentiel would she constantly cite, to be taken seriously, if not her JD? Is there something integral about this character that needs to be a lawyer, or would Ellen have the same effect as an imaginary surgeon, flight attendant, or librarian? 
Sounds like Myrna actually has been in touch with the Long Island guy's, such that they are coordinating plans. Running into Jim is no longer ruled out, however, if Ellen accepts Francie Nolan's invite! He does love his pastrami. 
Meanwhile Ellen's judgeship has apparently gone from an "if" to a "when." And yet she's not even important enough as a fifth year at Manageing and MANAGEING to have a secretary do her billeing for her...  

Ellen August 31, 2012 at 10:09 am
Yay!!!! Fruegel Friday’s!!!! And weekend comeing up!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
I love this blouse to, but it is ONLY availeable in Large! FOOEY! I do NOT want to have to grow bigger in order to fit it. DOUBEL FOOEY!
The sloppy teck guy just came back AGAIN to fix my machiene–it did NOT work right yesterday. He told me I must have done something to it AND I was way to cute to be a lawyer. I told him to fix the machine. I also said I was the same person even before I became a lawyer, and he did NOT understand what I said. He might know computer’s, or NOT, but he does NOT understand me at all. Fooey!
In the meanetime, I am STILL busy useing my own Apple MacAirbook, but I am STILL NOT abel to bill for August!!!!! The manageing partner should give me a subesidy for useing my own laptop, and the manageing partner also said I could come in tomorow to finish my billeing. Fooey! I told him tomorow was the WEEK END and I had plan’s to drive again with Myrna out to Jone’s Beach. She want’s to meet those Long Island guy’s so I said fine but at least I wont RUN into Jim there! Yay!!!!!
cfm August 31, 2012 at 11:51 am
Just want to say I love Ellen’s idea that since there is only large shed have to gain weight in order to fit it. Instead of say, tailoring
Francie Nolan August 31, 2012 at 12:10 pm
Ellen I would love to meet you and Myrna for lunch at the Pastrami King near Jones Beach if you have the time let me know.
Monday August 31, 2012 at 12:22 pm
And I am still trying to invite Ellen to my weddeing. Let me know if she ever gives up her contact info! It would mean a lot to me to have her there, and she could get another case postponement out of it…
Francie Nolan August 31, 2012 at 12:51 pm
Absolutly Monday! I so wish she would RSVP to something

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And Monday was referring to the following comment, earlier on the same thread:

Ellen August 31, 2012 at 10:14 am
This is easy… Get the case posponed! I do it all the time!
Dont bother with the plainetiff. Just go talk to the judge, and tell him about the wedding you are goeing to and it won’t realy matter b/c the judge has alot of other case’s, so he is NOT waiteing for you to keep him busy.
I have posponed at least 30 cases this way! I wish all probelem’s were this easy to solve. When I am a judge, I will allow this if peeple ask for a posponement. Yay!

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