Wednesday, August 1, 2012

but do NOT have robust practeces

Well, I have alot to think about too. This is the second time Ellen has reported being overwhelmed in this way, but I relate given all the extra work she has been giving me lately--with no raise or clothing reimbursements either. FOOEY!
First for the meta issue: Confirming my suspicion from yesterday that the Britt Ekland post came from the same alleged "Fraud" who identifies herself by using "WASTE" in each of her posts. I will blog the Lourine response separately in a moment because it represents new Lourine/Frances information in its own right. 
I need a STAFF.

Moveing on to substance:
Ellen's aspiration to make partner has given way to anxiety about what might happen to her even then. This is the first time I've seen Ellen taking in news autonomously and with critical application to her own welfare--i.e. without MP or her father as interlocutor. A promising development, but still her next step is to talk to MP (seek male wisdom and guidance), and she still prioritizes the clothing subsidy agreement (now at the behest of other crusty male pan-authority).
Meanwhile, this is the best illumination we've had so far of Jim's position. Ellen is apparently thinking about asking him for a job. (Can't wait to hear how that goes!) Furthermore, while previously Jim was tryeing to DATE Ellen, she now reports simply that he stares at her--in the grand tradition on which most of her posts are predicated. Put two and two together? Jim is in line to become Ellen's next ooogleing and condescending workplace tyrant, replacing the Manageing Partner in every respect. Indeed we can already see the insidious manner in which Jim's prerogatives have begun creeping into every realm of Ellen's life, just as MP's did many years gone by. Thus while in-house employment might allow Ellen better hours, job security, and of course the CAR SERVICE she keep's talking about, there is no escape from leering. 
Your ardent blogger has often before stressed how all of Ellen's tales tend toward equilibrium, and usually she returns everything to stasis sooner rather than later. I still think it's most likely that nothing will change in her career or daily life. If it does, however, then my above projections indicate a longer-form trajectory on which surface plot elements could show a great departure (i.e. she goes in-house with Jim & Co.), while overarching Ellen themes undergo almost no alteration at all.  

Ellen August 1, 2012 at 1:12 pm
I have OTHER issue’s. Kat looks very nice with EITHER long or short hair. But my hair is always straite, and some times scraggley.
I used to get HENNA treatements, but then heard they were NOT good for me.
Thank’s to Lourine for stickeing up for me and pointeing out the fake ELLEN yesterday. Yay! FOOEY on the fake Ellen. She is to dumb for the rest of us. FOOEY!
I am very concerned about becomeing a partner, b/c of this articel in the Washington Post, and am considering askeing Jim if he want’s me to go in house. I am a little queezey about that to, b/c Jim also like’s to stare at me.
“Firms have done some belt-tightening but haven’t made a lot of hard decisions at the partner level,” said Jeffrey Lowe, managing partner of the D.C. office of legal consulting firm Major Lindsey & Africa. “Non-equity partners or equity partners who don’t have robust practices will be vulnerable in the years ahead. No one wants to let partners go, but as firms become more focused on the bottom line … that’s probably the next course of action. It sounds bleak, but it’s a very different world out there these days.”
If I become an equity partner but do NOT have robust practeces, I will be vulnerable, so I do NOT want that. Mabye I should ask the manageing partner about this, but first I want for him to tell me what he is going to do about my clotheing, which Jim want’s me to upgrade.
I have alot to think about. FOOEY!

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