Thursday, August 23, 2012

20 billeable hours

Ellen's legal play-by-play getting pretty "granular," to quote a few lame sirs I have worked with. But we'll take it. Looks like I was right that Frank is the accounteant, though I'd still appreciate having it spelled out (as it were).  Meanwhile, eek continues ELLENWatching in high style. Her comment today signifies close following and also a knack for STREAM-of-consciousness. 

Ellen August 23, 2012 at 11:19 am
Me too. I am 8 lbs overweight now, and the manageing partner is commenteing that the dreses I am wearing are a little to tight. He is NOT compleaing, tho, just stareing alot more at my tush. FOOEY on him for lookeing so much!
I just got back from the CHAMBER’S hearing on my 3 cases. I did NOT have to go back on the same line with Jim b/c he had to go on the 4 line and I do NOT take that line back here. The judge like’s me and Jim was very impresed the way I handled issues with the judge. Yay!!!!
One of the plaintiff’s DID show up so I could NOT win my motion to disemiss. Insted, the JUDGE ordered the plaintiff submit to an EBT that he asked ME to schedule with the plaintiff! Jim said I should schedule it soon, but since Jim would have to pay eventueally, I said there is NOT to much of a rush. I will ask the manageing partner today.
I also told Jim I asked Frank to do the math on the HSR form with the “data” that Jim gave me. So far nothing back from Frank. Frank says this form should be given to the company, but they gave it to US to fill out and I now have 20 billeable hours that I have to submit tomorow to the manageing partner.
Fineally, Jim asked if I wanted to go with him to a MET’S game. I told him I do NOT like sport’s unless it is air conditoned. FOOEY on swetting in the hot sun!
eek August 23, 2012 at 12:28 pm
Was Jim upset that the judge was not in his judiceial robes? Also, swetting is good for your pores and it might help you lose some weight — it’s like a steam room!

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