Yay! Fruegel Friday’s! I love Fruegel Friday’s!
And I even love final sales, when they are so inexpensive-the worse that can happen is that it is not the best fit and you can give it to Good Will or the Salvation Army like I do!

Dad has me all dressed up and he made me put on more mascara then I normaly would. He said he wanted me to be his little china doll–I am NOT anyone’s doll. I am an attorney with 5 year’s of expierence as a NY lawyer. FOOEY! If I wanted to be a bimbo, I would not have gone to law school but would have married any one of a number of geeke’s at GW that were after me.
I told dad that I was NOT goeing to be shy if the Komendant asked me questions, and he said it is better if I was just seen and not heard, or he would NOT take me. Of course I agreed, but I WILL talk if spoken to! FOOEY on Dad for makeing me out to be a china doll.
Dad has some prior releationship with the Komendant, I think when they were both in the service together. Dad does NOT talk about that much, but I am sure that he will tell me more once we have lunch with the Komendant. Unfortuneately, lunch is at Langeley, which Dad says we need a special pass for, so peeople off the street can NOT eat there. With my luck, the food will be LOUSY! FOOEY!
I will have to report back to the hive later today from my I-Phone, or mabye not until tomorrow when I will be back in the CITY, unless dad wants to go DIRECTLY to LI, in which case I will spend the weekend with him and MOM and drive out to DeRaimo’s for a Cheeze Calzone! YAY!!!
- Was your dad an aviator, just like Tamer?
- In my mind’s eye, her dad is a cross between Arvin Sloane(Alias) and Louis Litt (Suits).
- WTF?
Will some guy please bang Ellen?