Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I have conkered the work world

Looser stories from Myrna are also forthcoming, pending her permission for Ellen to post on Corporette. I wonder how many layers of fake people we can amass?

Yay! I agree with this OP — I want to be leaneing BACK, not leaneing in, and I do NOT even have children. I have been in the workeing world now for almost 6 year’s, and it is TIME for me to let my HUSBAND do all the work, as long as I am beareing him CHILDREN. I do NOT want to keep workeing so hard any more. FOOEY!
I have PROVEN to my self and to dad and to the manageing partner that I have conkered the work world by being a partner and handeling alot of WC case’s almost flaw-lessley, meaning 93%+ favorable,(includeing settelment’s of course), so NOW is the time to lean back, as soon as I can find a guy to MARRY me and support me and our children. YAY! I realy do NOT want to keep workeing so hard any more. DOUBEL FOOEY!
I have to ask Myrna if I can tell the HIVE what hapened to her, so I will wait, but in a NUT shell, the guy groped her on an esecalator at Grand Central. It is lucky it was winter, b/c in the Summer, he would have alot more to grope. DO not let a guy grope you. I will get more detail’s on a later p’ost. But FOOEY on that guy!


  1. Ellen here sounds a bit like a gold digger. But she is not in my mind because of her penchant for hard work.

  2. Ellen needs to get pregnant and have her children soon, because once you're over 30 or so, fertility is on the decline, so that means her guy will have to be "huffing and puffing" on top of her many more times before he hits pay dirt.

    1. I think Ellen is fertile (witness Rosa), so she should get pregnant fast unless her boyfriend is shooting blanks.
