Monday, March 31, 2014

Thank’s to the HIVE for wisheing me a HAPPY BIRTHEDAY!

So tentatively I'm going to say that Ellen's actual birthdate is 3-28-81. This is the best information we've ever gotten on it. 

Waiting to hear what happened, if anything, with Dad's freind's son.

Yay! Open Thread’s! I love Open thread’s! I am leaveing soon to meet Myrna, who is pickeing me up here at work (she get’s to drive to work on Friday’s) and we are heading straight to my parent’s house for dinner and the weekend! Yay! No men for a change unless dad’s freind’s son come’s this weekend for the party. FOOEY–I want at least a coupel of days where MEN are not stareing at us and askeing us dumb question’s!
Myrna says that she is doeing some contest where she run’s up the stair’s of the Empire State Building. Does anyone else in the Hive do this? Is it safe? I would think it’s dusty in there! FOOEY! It must be good for the tuchus, so I will LOAN Myrna my fitbit. I did the math. If it is 100 storie’s high and there are 20 stair’s per storie, then that is 2,000 step’s! Now if she did it 5 time’s I could sleep or watch TV all day and never get off my own tuchus, but I won’t. Thank’s Myrna, and Thank’s to the HIVE for wisheing me a HAPPY BIRTHEDAY! YAY!!!!!!


  1. Welcome back Ellenwatch. I began to think you ran off with one of Ellen's suitors for a wild weekend of forbidden activity!

    1. Yes, I've noted that this is more or less the assumption every time I fall a few days behind. But I am neither so alluring nor so conniving! Come up with a more banal explanation.

    2. Yes, I agree. Welcome back, but then what are you doing on your long sojourns away from this blog? Might we even get a hint as to what those fingers are so busy doing on your "off days"?
