Thursday, March 27, 2014

not the peeeing probelem if he was to tired to see the bowl at night

This estimable business just keeps getting nods here at ELLENWatch! (There are two more). I say this belong's on Yelp, though: I came in complaining about my alcoholic boyfriend and they gave me very practical advice about urination that fell wide of the mark. Get yr wine here! 

I guess the helpful, friendly Garnet staff may be some of the most knowledgeable regarding Alan's drinking, at this point: either they still see him, or they don't. I really doubt moving back in with his mom would have cut down on his visit's there, unless he is also unemployed and out of train fare (granted, possibel). 

This is a great selection, Kat, but Dad say’s I must save now b/c my taxes are due soon. FOOEY!
As for the OP, Yay! I know where you can get a great deal on RED Wine. If you are in NYC, just go to Garnet Liqour’s on Lex and about 66th Street. Look it up on the INTERNET. When I was dateing Alan, he alway’s stopped in there and at the TIME, I did NOT know that it was goeing to be a probelem with his drinkeing, but he alway’s got good RED Wine there. The peeople were also very helpful, and it is near a subway stop so you do NOT have to carry it to far, and also they deliver. Yay!!!
So once Alan got the drinkeing probelem, I told the peeople at Garnet NOT to sell him wine any more b/c he got drunk to often and made a mess in my apartement, includeing throwing up as well as peeing on the floor of the batheroom when he missed the toilet bowl. FOOEY! They recomended that he drink dry grape juice, which would solve the alchohol probelem, but not the peeeing probelem if he was to tired to see the bowl at night. I thanked them and now recomend them to anyone that need’s a place to buy wine in NYC.
Dad told me NOT to forget all my tax stuff. The acountant will be at Dad’s house Saturday, and we BOTH have alot to go over with him. Dad told me they changed the HOME OFFICE RULES, so mabye I can get a bigger deduection this year!!! YAY!!!!!! We will see. Dad does NOT want for me to pay more taxe’s then I have to. YAY!!!!


  1. My guy used to miss the bowl, but I'd gladly take him back now, as guys out there don't even spend the night after sex and they too piss on the floor before leaving. We have to think twice before being so bossy with men we have or the relationship will end as mine did. Pass this lesson on to your readers. Good men are worth biting our lips for particularly if they are good in bed.

    1. Donna, you sound desperate. Do not be. There are so many men out there in search of a woman who's had some experience, but you have to remember that they know you are out there, have been with other men and have what they want. So do not give it up right away. Otherwise, you will be cleaning piss from the floor from every guy who humps you and then leaves without so much as spending the night, let alone taking you out to breakfast the next morning.

  2. Donna, you need a guy to keep you warm but picking any guy is not the answer. Go to Babeland. They'll have what you need.
