Thursday, February 21, 2013

after Alan drained me DRY

The free milk metaphor has actually been wafting its way over to Ellen on Corporette I always thought it was a concise encapsulation of the sexism and condescension behind pressure on women to get married, so it suit's Ellen (and, as we see here, her Dad) perfectly. The "club" to which she is welcoming is, of course, unmarried women living emancipated lifestyles. 

I agree, but welcome to our CLUB. Men tend to be non-comital these day’s. My dad say’s why buy the cow when you can get FREE milk? I therefore do NOT give out any free milk any more after Alan drained me DRY. FOOEY on HIM, and men that have sex, then burpe and walk away!
I am lookeing for a guy that wants me for ME, not just as a place to have sex with me. Yesterday, Myrna and I walked up to the MORGAN library, but by the time we got there we were not abel to go in. She said we have to PLAN better, and mabye go to an ART museum over the weekend b/c men who like art are more SENSITIVE. I agreed but hope sensitive does NOT mean effemenite. I want a MAN who knows he’s a man, but treat’s me right as a professional WOMAN, b/c I am an attorney, licensed and in good standing with the State of New York. If I can find this man in a museum, YAY!!!!!! I did not call Henry back yet. I am worried about geting involved with a guy who was a dork, but dad keeps needeling me to do so b/c he promised Henry’s dad. Why do I have to put up with all this pressure from him to?
The manageing partner got mad at Frank this morning for leaveing the toilet seat up and makeing a mess in there. FOOEY on Frank. I think I am goeing to have to use the ladie’s room in the hallway b/c of the odour and the mess he make’s in there. I do NOT know HOW his wife and children put up with his filthey bathroom habits. DOUBEL FOOEY!

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