Friday, February 8, 2013

stay away from peeople who do NOT apreaciate you

A surprising degree of detail, especially in the megasentence that take's up most of Paragraph 1. We now know this much more about Ellen's early professional experience. Unfortunate workplace smells and ooogleing colleagues go pretty much all the way back.

I'm not sure about the origins of this alleged Jackie O. quote, or whether "manageing attorney" refers to good ol' MP or some past supervisor (confusing due to the present tense in that passage). Sunshine Girls, any insight?

Yes, this is STINK-O. When I was in my first year of LAW school, I had an GOVERMENT INTERNESHIP at the Departement of the Interior law department where I was asigned to design an on-line electronic legal data management and entry reppository where ALL of the legal memoreanda and law breif’s that were written either by attorney’s as well as the department’s OUTSIDE counsel could be stored ELECRONEICALLY, and that those memorandas and breif’s could be searched using a compleicated computer program.
Well I was ONLEY going into my 2nd year of law school so all I was an expert in was the 1st year course’s like contracts, tort’s, criminal law and some other stuff, but all of a sudden, this SENIOR attorney decides that I am NOT compentent b/c I am not an expert on these silly issues which had alot to do with goverment contracting, land law, water right’s and so many other things that NO ONE at my law school knew anything about unless they worked at the INTERIOR department for years. WHAT A FOOEY!
This senior attorney was a real B****H to me (I think b/c the male attorney’s alway’s wanted to eat lunch with me). She said I was dumb for NOT knoweing as much as she did on all of these issue’s, and there was nothing I could DO or say, even tho she was WRONG. FOOEY ON HER I SAID. (BTW, she did NOT bathe and she smelled badly–FOOEY!)
My dad said to ignore her and to try and get work from the other lawyer’s who liked me. That realy didn’t work b/c the work was ONLEY for the summer, and I did NOT want to go back any way, but I remember this when I am lookeing to get new cleint’s for the firm and when I am apearing in COURT. The lesson I learned from him (and from Jackie Onasis) is to always work your hardest for peeople that will reward you, and stay away from peeople who do NOT apreaciate you. I admit that I do NOT learn as much, but by being nice to peeople that help me (like the manageing attorney, and a few judge’s who I apear before in Court), I do better b/c they like me and I pay attention to them. YAY!

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed that Ellen was an expert in contracts, torts, and criminal law after her first year in law school. I sure wasn't.
