Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So much of thier knoweledge is stale (and wrong)

One of the only times Ellen has ever acknowledged her trolling heritage and ongoing BAN from commenting on the ABA Journal Online. (If you don't know this history, see archival links to your right! It's Ellen 101.) Readers and administrators over there may be--I don't know, bemused?--to know that she's still an avid reader, with assuredly inane responses to almost 5 years' worth of content lost forever to the ABA audience. 

Background given here about the age/experience profile at Manageing & MANAGEING LLP is consistent with my records.

I kind of have this issue. I am the onley lawyer less then 35 year’s old, with all of the partners out of law school b/f I was even BORN. So much of thier knoweledge is stale (and wrong). So what I have to do is alot of self study. I read alot of trade magazine’s, such as the ABA Journal (even tho they do NOT want me comenting there)– I also read the NY Law Journal RELIGOUSLY. That, however is a newspaper, but I also need it for the litiegation page’s to watch for calendar call’s b/c Frank is lazy and I can NOT rely on him to keep me abreast of my case’s. FOOEY b/c he should do this as part of HIS job!
The manageing partner does some CLE’s, and I go to them for FREE (Yay), but I do all of the prep work for him on them so I do NOT learn from HIM as much as I do from the prep work. I also get to go to the NY Bar lecture’s free b/c the manageing partner once dated the secretary there, and she is still workeing even tho she is in her 60′s.
The rule is, you get out what you put in, so I learn alot by studyeing. Do NOT rely on others to teach you. You must take responsibility for your own educeation! Yay!

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