Friday, February 8, 2013

I wanted to get a Cheeze Calzone first, then have popcorn

I surely believe that Ellen got out of work early, and twiddled her thumb's through the late afternoon, because this is the first of three long posts (so far) on the weekend thread. 

Honestly, one of the reasons I wish Ellen would reveal herself to me is that I want to start inviting myself for these cozy-sounding soirees. I have a coupla LARGE-size bags of M&Ms, I make a decent chocolate fondue, and we have so much to talk about...

Yay! Open thread’s! I love OPEN thread’s! My dad says Real Estate is good, and that I should be invested in it. Of course I live in the CITY, and no one OWNS real estate, we live in apartement’s and it is a COOP I live in with other’s. But I own the COOP and the COOP owns real estate (the apartment) so I own the apartment! Yay! But you have to have a morgage, and I have that. FOOEY! But dad pay’s the morgage for me! Yay! So it’s not so bad after ALL. DO IT and don’t be silly. You can always go away on a vacation, like I do, and mabye meet a guy who will MARRY you and get you another house to live in. THAT is what I want. A house in the suburb’s with a pool and a sundeck. Yay!
But I am stuck in the CITY now, and would like to see Mom & Dad, b/c my date with Bronx Pastrami won’t hapen b/c of the snow. FOOEY! I do NOT want to go out on the LIRR either, so I will stay in and watch movie’s! Yay! Myrna is goieng to come over and she has a movie we will watch with popcorn and cheeze and she will bring RED wine to drink. YUMMY, but only one drink b/c I do NOT want a fat tuchus to deal with.
The manageing partner is thinkeing of having me plan a “spring fling” dinner for April when it get’s warmer, but it is so snowy today that he let us out at 3 and I am already home, b/c I took the subway b/c of all of the snow and b/c Dad said I could. But I have NOTHING to do now until Myrna comes back and she is still workeing today! I told Myrna I wanted to get a Cheeze Calzone first, then have popcorn, so we are ordereing when she get’s here.

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