Friday, February 22, 2013

then loose him in the Houseware’s department in the basement

Ellen entertains simultaneously an intense pride in patrilineal Barshevsky ancestry, as below (and also with potential connections to royalty and/or Maria Sharapova), alongside a certain degree of anxiety that some of these forebears might have been Russian peasants

Either way, we certainly can't dilute the fine family stock with a DUD, so Henry (still of unclear lineage himself, in Ellen's life) may have to be somehow eluded in Macy's. I enjoy thinking that she and Myrna just can't manage an effective goodbye and thus have to pretend to go to the bathroom together or something. Or manage to vanish while he's signing the drinks bill.

Yay! Fruegel Friday’s!!!!! I love Fruegel Friday’s!
This sweater is better for Rosa after she has her baby, tho, b/c it is so short! I have to figure out what the baby’s name should be. Rosa think’s it’s going to be a boy b/c she is burpeing a lot, and Grandma Leyeh says if you burp alot, it is goieng to be a boy. Grandma Leyeh is very smart — she married a Barshevsky (like my Mom). If onley there were more peeople as smart as from my Father’s lineage. All that stuff in Russia in the late 1800′s is where we got our smart’s from, my Dad says.
Dad keeps calling me to get me to call Henry, so I finaly called him, and he sounded half-asleep when I called him yesterday at 8:00. I wanted to watch a movie with Myrna, but that had to WAIT until AFTER I called him, Dad decreed. So we spoke breifly, and Henry is now going to meet me AND Myrna at the Zaro’s in Penn Station this weekend. He will have to take the LIRR in so we said we ‘d meet him there. IF he turns out to be a DUD, Myrna says we can ship him back to LI without leaving Penn Station, then go to Macy’s! YAY!!!!!!! I warned her that this guy work’s in the City so we may not be abel to loose him that quickly. She said mabye we should go to Macy’s with him, then loose him in the Houseware’s department in the basement after haveing a drink with him — if he’s a dork. FOOEY! I will thinke about that and call him tonite to firm up what and where we are suposed to meet.

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