Wednesday, February 20, 2013

but without the child in uterro!

Ellen has been a lot more consistent about what Rosa look's like than about her own appearance, most egregiously hair color. At any rate, the evident wish to look like her sister does support my casual hypothesis that Lourine/Frances (whom we haven't seen in a while) is Rosa's occasional Corporette handle. This intermittent guest has bragged about being the family beauty, and it sounds like that is not contested. CAN YOU IMAGEINE the oogleing????

Unclear whether Henry's Dad mentioned only that his son has never had a girlfriend, or if he followed through to the logic of non-transmission of STDs too. Either way, I am still waiting for my answer on whether this is the same Henry mentioned back in December

Another Rosa look alike, but without the child in uterro! Yay! Why can’t I look like her (tho Frank said my tuchus looks good). I think b/c I froze it off walking to work! FOOEY!
Dad confessed that he had HENRY call me. Henry supposedly work’s on Wall Street doing algorithm’s… knows what that is and I don’t. Dad says I should meet him b/c Henry’s dad says he has never had a girlfreind, so I can’t get an STD from him! Yay! Already dad is pusheing him into bed with me? FOOEY! He had dirty hair and teeth as I remember. Dad says he would be stabel like his dad, who works for the town.
We’ll I told dado would call him. It’s not like I have any other prospects and I do want to go out with a guy.
I have a calendar call so I am off to court! The life of a BIGTIME litiegeator is alway’s exciting. Yay!!!!!

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