Unclear whether Henry's Dad mentioned only that his son has never had a girlfriend, or if he followed through to the logic of non-transmission of STDs too. Either way, I am still waiting for my answer on whether this is the same Henry mentioned back in December.
Another Rosa look alike, but without the child in uterro! Yay! Why can’t I look like her (tho Frank said my tuchus looks good). I think b/c I froze it off walking to work! FOOEY!
Dad confessed that he had HENRY call me. Henry supposedly work’s on Wall Street doing algorithm’s…..dad knows what that is and I don’t. Dad says I should meet him b/c Henry’s dad says he has never had a girlfreind, so I can’t get an STD from him! Yay! Already dad is pusheing him into bed with me? FOOEY! He had dirty hair and teeth as I remember. Dad says he would be stabel like his dad, who works for the town.
We’ll I told dado would call him. It’s not like I have any other prospects and I do want to go out with a guy.
I have a calendar call so I am off to court! The life of a BIGTIME litiegeator is alway’s exciting. Yay!!!!!