Thursday, February 14, 2013

even tho flowers are disp9oseable.

I hope K-padi, veteran of this blog, appreciates Ellen getting up in her stuff about a mysterious Valentine's Day gift. (You here, Cali gurl?) And I like to think Ellen feels especially chummy due to proximal interaction here on ELLENWatch, but of course she would never admit it. 

The wormy Internet guy with bad breathe is probabley prospective cleint EVAN, that Silicon Valley guy (like Justin Timberlake)

K- Padi, you have a SECRET Admirer! Yay! (or mabye not so secret if it is the guy you just met on Sunday).
I got a yellow flower booquet from someone named Fred, but I do NOT know any Freds (other then FRED FLINSTONE, who is a comic book guy). So there is sombody who mabye like’s me who is NOT comeing forward yet. I hope it is NOT Gonzalo. FOOEY! Mabye it is that wormy Internet guy with bad breathe. Who care’s about him, even if he has money, I can NOT stand his breathe.
But rest asurred, that if a guy is buying flower’s, he is goieng to be coming in for some return on his INVESTMENT, dad says. He warned me that if a guy who buys dinner for you want’s sex, then so will a guy who buy’s flowers, even tho flowers are disp9oseable. So do as I do. Do NOT let him know where you live.
I told LYNN she could have the flower’s to take home today b/c I do NOT have alot of room in my ofice for flower’s so she put them out in the reception area (without the card, YAY!).
I also have NOT bought any shoes yet with the $100 the manageing partner promised me. Myrna says she wished her boss gave her shoe’s. But she does NOT work for the manageing partner I told her. She told ME FOOEY! I guess I am lucky after all with him. Yay!

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