The wormy Internet guy with bad breathe is probabley prospective cleint EVAN, that Silicon Valley guy (like Justin Timberlake).
K- Padi, you have a SECRET Admirer! Yay! (or mabye not so secret if it is the guy you just met on Sunday).
I got a yellow flower booquet from someone named Fred, but I do NOT know any Freds (other then FRED FLINSTONE, who is a comic book guy). So there is sombody who mabye like’s me who is NOT comeing forward yet. I hope it is NOT Gonzalo. FOOEY! Mabye it is that wormy Internet guy with bad breathe. Who care’s about him, even if he has money, I can NOT stand his breathe.
But rest asurred, that if a guy is buying flower’s, he is goieng to be coming in for some return on his INVESTMENT, dad says. He warned me that if a guy who buys dinner for you want’s sex, then so will a guy who buy’s flowers, even tho flowers are disp9oseable. So do as I do. Do NOT let him know where you live.
I told LYNN she could have the flower’s to take home today b/c I do NOT have alot of room in my ofice for flower’s so she put them out in the reception area (without the card, YAY!).
I also have NOT bought any shoes yet with the $100 the manageing partner promised me. Myrna says she wished her boss gave her shoe’s. But she does NOT work for the manageing partner I told her. She told ME FOOEY! I guess I am lucky after all with him. Yay!