Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I was used to manhandeling BRIAN with the judge

I am SINGLE and do NOT have a husband to save for me, so my DAD manage’s my RETIREMENT 401(k) for me. He make’s me save enough so that I am maxed out every year. This way, he says, I will be abel to retire at age 60 at the latest, assuming I keep my job and have steady income, or else get MARRIED to a guy who will suport me until he retires. My dad also recomends when I get married to a guy that I get LIFE INSURANCE on him, just in case anything hapens to him. OMG, that is all I need. I Finaly find a guy, marry him and something hapens? FOOEY on that! It has to be forever, I told dad.
Today, I found out we are goieing to HAVE to go to trial on a WC case I have pending. It is one of Roberta’s cases. I need to get another depo from our doctor expert b/c the other doctor moved to Florida and will NOT be availabel for trial. Wouldn’t you know it, but BRIAN’s firm is representing the plaientiff, and Brian is second chairing it b/c the senior partner there want’s to buff up on his courtroom expertise. I was used to manhandeling BRIAN with the judge, but this guy has been around the block, and I am not sure the judge will give me the same liberties that he does when I am up against BRIAN. At least Brian will not have to sweat all over the pleeading’s that his hands to the judge and me. GROSS!
I told Roberta, and she wasn’t happy, but I told her there was nothing I could do b/c Brian’s firm was prepared this time and answered the calendar call as ready for a trial date. Now, in addition to getting a new expert DOCTOR, Roberta will have to get an HR person to come in and tell our side of the story — that the guy was NOT even injured when he went home, but must have slipped on a banana peel somewhere OUTSIDE of work. The plainetiff has the burden of Proof, so FOOEY if we contest where and how he wound up with a sore hip.
Myrna is comeing over here in a couple of hour’s and I am leaving early with her to go to a MUSEUM uptown. Myrna says I need to get some culture, and mabye we can meet guy’s there she says. I told her that most guy’s at museum’s are effeminate. She said she would proove me wrong. I hope I am. YAY!!!!!!

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