Wednesday, February 20, 2013

until recently, my very good look’s

Another classic, makeing fun of overachieving chicks who a) try to prudently handle compliments on their actually successful careers, and b) would never use their bods to get a job, even at a firm that doesn't have mid-20th century era phones and furniture, one toilet, and pan-incompetent personnel. Thank you, Ellen. As usual, you said what nobody else would--in effect, "I'm so unimpressive that I'm oblivious to my own unimpressiveness, and what little I have accomplished was mainly via the fast-wilting beauty that never quite got me a husband." 

And...again with the murkiness on how much clotheing expenses get reimbursed by MP. The figure was 20%, got raised to 30%, most recently reported back down at 20%, yet she's contradicted that here and again below, quoting 30% again. 

***Aside:*** When I saw I was getting pageviews from Get Off My Internets, you can imagine my first thought. But I clicked through, and...thank you! Somebody recommended me (on a discussion about Corporette) as "creepy," but worthy of "love." It's an honor. 

Alot of peeople alway’s ask me:
“Ellen, how in the world did you ever get and keep such a high powered litiegation job in NYC?”
I alway’s tell them that I was VERY lucky to bump into the manageing partner (LITERALY) in the elevator, and tell them that if they want to be as lucky as me, they NEED to go up and down in elevator’s where they know there are manageing partner’s workeing there.
I did not know that the manageing partner was even a manageing partner, but now that I do, I think all women should not be basheful about strutting there ware’s like me when I first met him. He liked me! So he hired me! YAY!
I know I was NOT law review and there were other’s in law school who knew the case’s better then me, but I was VERY sharp in learning to make the best with WHAT I did have, which is my personality and, until recently, my very good look’s. Some women will cruecify me for saying this, but there is NOTHING wrong with useing whatever skill you have to get (and keep) a job, especialy b/c all this sitting on my tuchus has made me gain weight that I alway’s have to LOOSE. FOOEY!
My dad say’s that a professeional basketeball player who can DUNK, dunk’s! So he knows I can’t dunk, but he say’s I can do alot of other things that make’s me valueable to the manageing partner and our firm. I am sure the manageing partner would have hired a tall guy if he wanted someone tall who can dunk, but he did NOT need someone to dunk, he needed a sharp lawyer who can charm the other side in court as well as the judge’s. That was me! YAY!!!! And I do NOT think I have let him down very much. That is why he give’s me bonuse’s and a 30% clotheing allowance. He need’s me to make the firm run. He often calls me “his main man”, even tho I am a woman and he know’s it.
So I say take the complement, but tell them you earn it every day, b/c you are NOT just getting paid for bieng a pretty wall flower. There are alot more girls prettier then me in NYC, but not prettier AND smarter. YAY!

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