Friday, January 4, 2013

a clothes moratorum b/c of my size

Sometimes I have trouble being even faintly amused by Dad's meat-carver attitude toward women in his family. I wouldn't mind putting him on mute across most subjects, but especially this one. I mean it.

Ellen :
I used to give my old clothes to ROSA b/c she had other expenses, but she is pregnant NOW and has a smaller tuchus then me other wize, so I now give my stuff to the place on LEX , which gives it to worthy home less and others. Yay! At least they get more use out of them then me! But my dad has insisted on a clothes moratorum b/c of my size and insists I keep wearing what I have so I loose 5 MORE pounds! FOOEY!
But I have no choice b/c he gets all my Billieng’s and will see if I go shoppeing! DOUBEL FOOEY! To bad I can’t get ROSA’s clotheing if it fit. My dad says I already have mom’s tuchus and she is 22 year’s older then me. Yay! Thanks dad.

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