Monday, January 28, 2013

I can NOT afford to smell FOOEY!

Frank's domination of the loo has long been a problem, in a number of way's. Meanwhile, I doubt keeping a full drawer of undies in the coed office bathroom would ever make the Corporette advice pantheon, but again this is just part of Ellen's unique contribution. 

Meanwhile, hear is the best evidence I have yet that Ellen occasionally channels the Sunshine Girls (see highlight below and then linked post). Or do I mean the opposite "channeling"? And how literally? It's not a new accusation, but I'll lovingly pose it yet again. 

Kat, you are SOOOO right! I have been running through alot of washe’s since I started walking with my FITBIT. But it is paying off with a smaller tuchus!
I have a change of clotheing here at work (but since I do NOT have a decent office, I must change in the firm’s bathroom, which Frank likes to use alot and which smells very bad after he eat’s spicey food’s. I have brought my own can of LYSOL and have left it in the toilet so that Frank and the others can FRESHEN up the room b/f they leave. Otherwize it is HORRIBLE smelling b/c there is no window in there.
So I have a stock of stuff I keep here, including stocking’s and panties and bra’s which I bring home every day in a bag and I get them washed for me EVERY week. Otherwise it’s FOOEY time and I can NOT afford to smell FOOEY!
Frank and the manageing partner likes to knock on the door when I am changeing, but they are onley kidding when they say to hurry up b/c the manageing partner has to go. I know he has a key to the mens’ room in the hallway, and I know he has gone there when Frank is in the toilet. I told Frank NOT to take his AM NY paper into the toilet b/c there is a line, and he does not do that any more. He said I should be gratful that he does NOT read the Wall Street Journal in there. FOOEY on him. I do not want to go into the ladie’s room in the hall to change every day b/c I also have to change in the afternoon b/f I walk home. Yay!!!!!!


  1. This is hilarious. As is the IT policy here. Corporette is blocked, as are a number of other blogs, but stuff on blogspot gets through, so I'm still able to read this awesome analysis of our favorite Corporette "personality," ELLEN.

    It's a better soap-opera than Downton Abbey!

    1. I'm so glad you're still with us, and let's hope IT never catches on! Know that you are sorely missed on Corporette, though.

      And THANK'S for the kind words, yay!!!!

  2. We think Vinnie is a pig, but unfortunately cannot do anything about it. He is one of three guys at our firm who keep talking about Ellen in front of us, knowing that we like her. Vinnie or one of his buddies has made defamatory statements about us, claiming we have been scorned by the partners and that we are hanging on for dear life. Yes, the partners failed to deliver, but we are still here because of our legal abilities, not because any one feels sorry for us. Vinnie will not likely remain at the firm after 3 or more years, unlike us, because we do not think he is partnership material. And if the worst thing we did was sleep with the partners, well that is not that bad (even tho they were), and we still have our jobs for over 10 years now. Do not tell Vinnie where Ellen works, because they are still obsessed over her and will stalk her if you tell where she works (or lives).

    1. I'm very relieved to see you ladies back here again. You will notice that I've been safeguarding my knowledge of Ellen's home and work addresses very carefully, especially from Vinnie.
