@Anne Shirley: I know nothing about fitbit, but if you're serious then so am I. UPDATE: More takers, and a no-thank's from someone who I think may be a Sunshine Girl based on their comment on this post.
I have ansered this before for the HIVE. You have to get MINK OIL and Saddel Soap. Now the MINK OIL can darken it a bit, but SO WHAT? If you are woried, you can go to the designers’ store with BAG in hand and ask them for suplies they recomend. They will charge you alot more then you can get at the DUANE REEDE, but if it is that EXPENSIVE and your worried about it, then PUT YOUR MIND AT REST.
I am STILL WORKEING at 7:30 pm and wonder if it is realy worth it. I wish I was abel to be home watcheing TV or hangeing out with a signifiecant other, but none have appeared that are worthewhile.
BTW, some one told my dad about the FITBIT, and he got one for me. I have to program it and load it into my MacBook Air every night, and then he can see on the INTERENET how many step’s I have done for the day and how many mile’s I have walked. He now want’s me to walk to work (over 2 miles on my IPHONE according to GOOGLE MAPS) and back! Can you every day (UNLESS IT IS SNOWEING OR RAINING). He told me that the USMailman deliver’s rain or shine and I would do better if I was a mail delivery person. FOOEY! So mabye I would not have a fat tush, but I would NOT be abel to think all day like I do, and I also would NOT be abel to go into court (which I have to do next week), so what’s the big DEAL with walking?
My dad is now telling me that my tuchus is the same and my mom’s, and that is NOT a compliment. I love my mom, but her tuchus is bigger then Grandma Leyeh, and Grandma Leyeh alway’s talks about her tuchus, and my dad is going to convince Grandma Leyeh to start shameing me about my tuchus. FOOEY on that! I am doieing what I can and most peeople do NOT care about my tuchus at all. It has NOT stopped alot of guy’s from askeing me out and I do NOT think that they care one bit about my tuchus. DOUBEL FOOEY.
I have to get back to work b/c I want to be abel to get out of her b/f 9:00 b/c I have to be back here tomorow by 9:30 to bill 5 hour’s before heading out with Myrna to Rosevelt’s Island where there is some new park she want’s to walk around. My dad will be VERY happy b/c my FITBIT will have alot of steps on it. I can alway’s lend it to MYRNA and have her give it back to me at night so I can plug it into the INTERNET so dad can read the NUMBER of steps!!! Yay!!!! I am geting smarter every day with him. And Myrna and I are going to buy cookie’s tomorrow at CRUMBS b/c I did NOT have any over the new year’s! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Um, pretty please EllenWatch can you set up an Ellen based fitbit group for us? I would love to track my tuchus’s progress next to her.
- If there were an Ellen-based fitbit group, I would buy another fitbit.
- This. I would so TOTALLEE particieapate. I mite EVEN stop drinking WINE. :)
- Sounds like a great idea but not for us.
We would join if we had the time, but we'd be afraid guys like our pigs would come to look at our bodies. That is wrong.