If possible, find out if their manageing partner likes women to wear there hair down or pulled back or in an updo. The secreatraies should be abel to help here b/c they know. If you wear your hair back, be careful about wearing a scrunchie. It is better to wear a single conservative braid until you get to know the partner’s and the manageing partner.
When I was serving supbeena’s I met the manageing partner wearing a scrunchie. Since he liked me with a scrunchie, I started wearing them to work after he hired me. It is onley recentlely that he wants me to show my hair off, and that means, alot of the times, that I should NOT wear a scrunchie. I am sometimes confused about that. I think it depends on what Margie is doeing at home that makes its way to the office and the manageing partner sure can be FICKEL! FOOEY!
Myrna and I are goieng to meet on 86th street and eat Chicken Parm tonite. There is no game on TV she says, so there won’t be alot of guy’s drinkeing and stareing at us the way they do when we go there on game day. I hope she is right b/c so many young college guy’s are there and it seem’s they have NO female’s where they go so they come by our table and just look at us. I think some are drunk, but other’s are just out for cheep thrills. FOOEY on that. I do NOT wear tight clotheing to the resturant any more b/c of this. FOOEY!