Monday, January 14, 2013

an OLD hen that need’s to be abel to hatch an egg

Another caricature of demographically endemic concerns. We do learn here that Rosa is younger--something I suspected but had not confirmed. 

I wonder why Alan is getting more play than usual in posts over the past few days. For long stretches Ellen seems to have forgotten him almost completely, but lately she has stepped back on to the grief and rage treadmill. At least the previous day she began appropriately placing some of the blame on Dad, whose verve to marry her off lead's him to promote undeserving men in a perpetuation of male marital prerogative and the notion that Ellen must fight, every day, not to become a disposable and barren old maid. If his opinions are ever totally disregarded perhaps we'll finally learn what ROBERTA think's our Miss Lonelyhearts (esq.) should do.

Ellen :
I agree. I am in the SAME boat, but I do NOT even have a BF, let alone a SIGNIFIECANT other or a DH. I need the DH before I will have a BABY, and this is what make’s it so dificult.
Rosa has another baby comeing soon, and I don’t even have ONE, and I am the OLDER sister. I feel like an OLD hen that need’s to be abel to hatch an egg already. When I think of all the time I wasted with ALAN, I get VERY mad. He had alot of nerve to lead me on and make me think I was goeing to have a family with him, when all he realy did was perfer the bottel over me. FOOEY on men like him who just use us for SEX and burp and walk away. FOOEY!!!

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