I do NOT know about what I do that has NOT been said before, but I stay AWAY from peeople who are sick so they do NOT get me sick.
The manageing partner was sneezeing around Martin Luther’s birthday, and I told him to STAY OUT of my office, b/c he alway’s carries the same DIRTY hankerchief around and with all of the mucos and snot comeing out of his head, it was GROSS! So he stayed away, and I think it worked b/c I stayed well, but Lynn started sneezeing and bloweing her nose. She at least had paper hankerchief’s and did NOT make a mess of thing’s in the bathrom. FOOEY!
On the buses, I alway’s hold the railing with GLOVES, b/c there is alot of mucus on peeople’s hands that gets on the railing’s. FOOEY!