Friday, January 11, 2013

after the cash not my pa ties

Look's like Ellen had some technical difficulties posting yesterday. First:

Ellen :
I t

And then the response she had wanted to make, regarding items stolen from the home, appeared as an independent coment. This is one of several Corporette renderings of this relationship's twilight period, but Alan as a thief is new to me. It also strikes me that they must have sunk pretty low for Alan to have been defending himself with the flattery of a feigned panty raid...which Ellen sadly had to admit had not taken place. "Perfered the bottel over me" evidently means even Ellen's most intimate aspects lost their appeal for this drunk accountant.

Ellen :
It is very difficult to get good help. But be careful! I thought the SAME. Thing then found out that ALAN TOOK MONEY TO BUY VODDKA! He did it more then once so I stopped keeping cash in my undies drawer! FOOEY ON HIM! I caught him with his hand in there and he tried to say he felt romantic. When I was not there but I knew then he was after the cash not my pa ties! The next week OUT he went! Yay !!!

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