Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Is there something I should know?"

I always glory in this conversation, whenever it crop's up: newbie asks who Ellen is and at least one loyal soldier directs the poor woman to this blog. That is why I created it in the first place, you know! How many other things in my life do you think have gone so smoothly from specific goal to undisputed achievement? With no rivals or threats whatsoever?

That said, I don't post all of these threads because I can't wallow too deeply in hubris (however well-deserved). But this one is special! A million KUDO'S to saacnmama for advancing the "genius theory" below. I hope Kat sees it because it's good for a raucous, unladylike laugh.
By the way, I’ve always wondered what the deal with Ellen is, if someone could explain? I saw a post recently where someone else was also confused, and a reply under it just said, “Oh you must be new here.” Is there something I should know?
  • Ellen is our resident troll, except she/he/it is more of a character than a normal troll at this point. Google “EllenWatch” (no spaces) to find a blog devoted to chronicling the life and times of Ellen.
  • There is no explanation for Ellen, only theories. Get thee to ELLENWatch.
  • saacnmama :
    Until I saw that she’s at a bunch of sites, I’d always assumed she was Kat saying things she couldn’t say in her moderator voice.
    • You know, that’s kind of a genius theory.
    • No, Ellen hangs out wherever there are lawyers online. I think she got banned from the ABA website awhile back (or else it was American Lawyer). Oddly, I’ve never seen her on Above the Law. Maybe because basically all the commenters there are trolls.
      I actually like Ellen. She’s generally entertaining and sometimes quite human (e.g., her FOOEY at the Boston Marathon bombers).

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