Friday, April 19, 2013

No one is interested in what my view’s are on this or other peeople’s on THIS blog.

This is Ellen, Boston lockdown edition. I expected people to be annoyed by her two cents--and it may still happen--but so far it look's like she's being welcomed for her levity. I guess we all just have to know our roles during a crisis (which is why I too will refrain from pretending I have anything useful to say, other than that I care deeply). See the second post below for an even more direct addressing of how we should deal with "everyone bad"--as opposed to "everyone good."

In the meantime, the feminist subversion continues in Ellen's dating life. From trying to trick a dude into marrying you by making him think you'll ever actually cook and clean, to asking him to pick you up at your door because you want to show off your career achievements.

I agree. This is NOT a place to post about current event’s. No one is interested in what my view’s are on this or other peeople’s on THIS blog. There are OTHER places, such as CNN or where ever. This is a BLOG about women’s fashion and other WOMEN’s professeional issue’s. That is why I come here first, b/c it is VERY important to me to be fashioneable and to be both fashioneable and professeonal in all of my legal work. YAY KAT!
What a great find for FRUEGAL FRIDAY’s! I LOVE FRUEGAL FRIDAY’s. I can even wear this to work b/c Frank will have NOTHEING to stare at! I am to meet Philip finaly tonite after work. He is to meet me here (b/c I want him to see I am an attorney at law, and he can even see my BAR admit on the wall — FIRST DEPARTMENT APELLANTE DIVISION — YAY—My dad is alway’s impresed when he see’s that. He say’s his investment paid off!
We are goieng to walk up town until we see a place to eat we like. I will steer him past MORTON’s b/c I feel like a steak! Otherwise, we can do ITALIAN or something good on the upper east SIDE, but I will NOT bring him back to my apartement, yet. I do NOT want a grabber. FOOEY! There HAS to be some mystery otherwise he will loose interest. We will see!


Hug’s to every one good, and we should just say FOOEY to everyone bad, and move on. Now that that is done, we can move on to thing’s we can deal with. Thank’s to KAT for sponsoreing this important forum.


  1. I am afraid we may be too late. Ellen appears to be willing to open herself up to this new Philip, and the only saving grace is that she is still willing to go to the baseball game with Robert (today or tomorrow), if it is not already too late. For all we know, Philip may have plied Ellen with drinks last nite, and then accompanied her home for God-only-Knows. If she somehow cancels with Robert, we will know that they did a lot more than play dominoes at her place last night (and this morning --OMG). Ellenwatch, if you have any powers at all, please step in now, to prevent a potential disaster from occurring. You did so earlier with Vincent, now is the time for you to intervene again. We think, deep down, that Philip will not be interested in a long term relationship, but rather just a fling which was financed by a dinner or two at Morton's.

    1. I'm very surprised that you're attributing Vinnie's retreat to my efforts. You're usually more concerned that I'm inflating my own prowess. At any rate, we cannot know what finally did it--but recall that Mr. Kutza was pursuing Ellen online, not in real life (relatively speaking), and for all we know she never even saw his overtures.

      When it comes to men in the flesh, I'm not sure I "have any powers at all."
