Evidently it's Ed's freind's move now--they are not being set up so much as he's just expected to contact her for a date. Given the staggering expectations attached to this, I kind of feel bad for him.
I got rid of all of my book’s when I took my apartement in the CITY. There realy is NO room for book’s. I still have the INTERNET, and I can get most thing’s by lookeing them up there. Also, who need’s book’s that do NOT have pocket part’s? The manageing partner has a few book’s at work, but our law liberry is so old, most thing’s date from the 1960′s and 1970′s before I was born!
Thank GOD I am back in the city. I was goieing crazy workeing from HOME at Rosa’s even tho I did very littel with the BABY. Grandma Leyeh said I had a sniffel, so should NOT get to close to the baby, so I did NOT. INSTEAD, I worked out on the FITBIT, and walked alot with DAD monitoring my every step. I will NOT tell them I put on 3 pound’s between sitteing around and eateing MATZA’s and one CRUMBS muffin b/f Grandma Leyeh hid the boxes from me. FOOEY!
Robert keep’s sending text’s and Ed’s freind has NOT yet called, so I will just wait to see what hapens. I had a very stringey steak with Myrna yesterday for my b-day. I did like the augrattin Potatoe’s tho. It will be stuck to my tuchus by noon, she say’s! DOUBEL FOOEY!