Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I will NOT look dumpey

To no great surprise, the finances of Manageing & MANAGEING LLP raise questions with the World's Smartest Patriarch. But we're not sophisticated enough to know the details, so we'll just wait for our instructions. Did you know he went to MIT and was offered Mensa membership?

I don't think I'm imagineing a new simmer in Ellen's tone as she outlines all of Dad's authorities in her life. She's shared before that she regrets giving him control of her bank account and "everything"--including her weight management efforts. But here she also seems to need his approval on all clotheing purchases, where traditionally it's just been a matter of the 20-30% reimbursement from the manageing partner. Dare I ask it, reader's? Are we moving toward realization of Poll #3's command/prediction for Ellen to throw off the yoke

OMG! I LOVE this SUIT! I have to get dad’s permission, but I totaly LOVE this Ann Taylor suit, and I already HAVE perfect pump’s to GO with it, so it is a good buy. I will show this to the manageing partner and hopefulley he will go a long for REIMBURESEMENT with ME! YAY!!!!!
I can wear this both in the Summer and the Winter, and if I stay slim, I will NOT look dumpey, which is what Dad said about me at New Year’s. FOOEY on him! Now he is grumbeling about the firm’s book’s but did NOT get into it w/me, but he did like Zaro’s. Whenever he come’s in to Penn Station, he ALWAYS goe’s RIGHT to Zaro’s. So at least I made him happy by walkeing him back there today. He did not like it when we passed Crumb’s. He said that he saw a few of those cupcakes on my tuchus! Fooey on Dad!

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