Tuesday, April 9, 2013

some have to be thrown back, and other’s SMELL

In the past, it's been "other fish in the see." 

Don't know if Robert is a known vegan, or if Ellen is just assumeing this based on his employment at the Parks Department. At any rate, my assessment that he's wearing her down seems, tentatively correct: she plans to call him out of pity and/or concern for her reputation. 

Yes, HUG’s to you! FOOEY on that LOOSER!
I’ve been there too, tho I was the guy who DUMPED my ex, it still HURT alot. What you have to realise is that there are OTHER fish in the sea, and even tho some have to be thrown back, and other’s SMELL, there is a fresh clean fish for you that will be VERY tasty! YAY!
I am still waiteing for Ed’s freind to call me, and DO not know very much about him. I will ask ROSA what the storey is if I do NOT hear from him schoon, b/c the park’s department guy keep’s texteing me. I figure I had better CALL him already b/c he knows alot of the same peeople that I do and I do NOT want to be a SNOB.
I just do NOT want to go out for VEEGAN food with him, b/c he is busy cutteing lawn’s and planteing seeds in the park all day. He may not like MEAT, and I am a big MEAT eater. YAY!
OH, KAT, I love the dress, but it is a little to expensive for me. FOOEY! Frank and the manageing partner would NOT be able to look at my boobies with this. If this goe’s on sale, I would GET it. YAY!!!!!

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