Tuesday, April 9, 2013

sneezed in my food alot and I also used to get UTI’s

For all her misgivings, she apparently went through with the date with Robert. Perhaps they are clinkeing glasses even as I type. 
Taking bets on the update we will get tomorrow morning. Presumably he can't grab for her boobies or (immediately) tuchus, since those have both been done (Gonzalo and Henry, respectively) and Ellen's narrative always strives to maintain variety and excitement.

Anonymous :
HUG’S! This is why I do NOT like to travel. I got sick alot when I traveled and also from Alan. He sneezed in my food alot and I also used to get UTI’s b/c of Alan. He was NOT the most hygenic either. FOOEY! I do NOT miss that slob burpeing on me after he had his beers and wine. He was NOT worth it, if you get my meaning’s! DOUBEL FOOEY. I am sure the girl who is sleepeing with him would agree. She is NOT getting a bargain with him!
Robert is on his way OVER here so I am to meet him and walk up to Grand Central. I hope he take’s me to Michel Jordan’s, but I think he is more liekely to gake me to the soup kitchen downstairs. I want STEAK, not ground beef, and think that mabye this guy is more ground beef then steak! FOOEY!

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