Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MARRIED and with Child within 18 month’s

Grandma Leyeh suddenly, Dad-like, implements a very specific and strict incentive plan for behavior that probably isn't possible for Ellen. Not necessarily a coincidence: remember Leyeh is Dad's mom. 

I could say I am excited to see how Ellen strive's to meet this challenge, but my guess is that it plays out about the same way Dad's money-for-lost-pounds policy has. That is, fits and starts in the actual compliance, and cheating galore (on both sides). 
Me EITHER. I would Never wear this, even to a party. I think it’s b/c of April’s fools that Kat is posteing this wierd stuff.
Already Lynn is texting me telling me to call the manageing partner. It happened 3x today. Evidentely the manageing partner does NOT like it when I am not there b/c when the cleint’s call, he has to update them and he is NOT famieliar with all of my cases, let alone MY STRATEGY for how to handel them goeing forward. So he get’s nervous and insist’s that we call them back together. Silly guy. I wish I was NOT tethered to the office like this, but wehn your invaluabel like ME, then I guess I have to put up with it.
My Grandma Leyeh told me that she wanted me MARRIED and with Child within 18 month’s and she is giveing me an incentive. She said that she will give a dowery of $50,000 to me and my husband if we are married and at least pregnent by Next Rosh Hashana. Grandma Leyeh says she is not getting any younger and neither am I she says, so she wants me to pop out a legitimate child PRONTO. I aksed her if I could go INVITRO and she says NO. I must have a HUSBAND. FOOEY b/c I can do the invitro in 9 month’s, and the guy’s are all LOSERS who I do NOT want to marry.
Does anyone in the HIVE have a normal guy to introduce me to who want’s KIDS PRONTO? He would like Grandma Leyeh, she is like me–very fiestey! YAY!!!!
I do NOT want a guy who just wants sex. FOOEY on that. DOUBEL FOOEY!

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