Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Alan I am NOT sure whether he was 100% faitheful to me

Reviving an old, never-resolved possibility: Alan as a cheater. The advice is predictabel, though: relationships are established and maintained through coercion. 

It is OK for the summer, but be carful b/c men can STRAY when they are not near you and there are OTHER women nearby who are AVAILEABLE and there is ALCHOHOL. My Alan I am NOT sure whether he was 100% faitheful to me and we were in the SAME City, but there were other Sheketovitses in his family who HE TOLD ME who did find other WOMEN to keep companie with even when they lived in the SAME City. My dad say’s it is NOT possibel in this day and age to put a CHASTITY belt on a man (or a woman), so if you can NOT trust your man (or woman), best NOT to sepearate from them, even for a SUMMER. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth, I do not think Sheketovits was faithful to Ellen. He sounds like the same kind of drunk losers we have at the firm. When they are sober, they are fine, but put a drink or two in them, they will hump a fire hydrant if it is running warm water.
