Saturday, April 13, 2013

JUST breatheing on the line

I wonder if my recent post reminded Ellen of the Carmine Miranda scene she documented on her iphone. Also awaiting the word on David's MOTIVE'S. 

I agree, but lateley, I have put back some of the pound’s that I took off BEFORE Passover. I ate so many matza’s that I think my tuchus actueally got BIGGER! My dad is very dis- satisfied at me for not getting my wieght down and for letting my TUCHUS expand. FOOEY!
Gonzalo I think called again, but there was JUST breatheing on the line. I know his NUMBER so I KNEW it was him. What a strange man he is to just breathe on the phone. DOUBEL FOOEY b/c he had his hand on the tush (down the jeans) of the woman’I saw him walkeing with.
I cant wait to see the BRONX DELI tomorrow and Roberta. Myrna will drive b/c I am NOT thrilled with takeing the 1 train up there. Alot of guy’s just stare at me and Myrna. Tripel FOOEY. Robert wants to meet, but without a METS ticket, I said I would wait. David keep’s texting but I am reaally unsure of his MOTIVE’s. I will have to ask my DAD, b/c I do NOT want to waste time with anyone who will NOT give me a BABY right away.


  1. Stop taking credit for things and warn Ellen that men do come out like the flowers aand want to pollinate her like bees. But like bees, once done with a flower they just move on to another. In lay parlance, warn her that men will just hump and dump her

    1. I think she's very aware of this threat, Semi-Sunshine Gal--as we have covered before.

      And really, if you had a blog like mine, don't you think it would go to your head too? At least a little bit?
