Tuesday, April 2, 2013

FOOEY on O’Bamacare

And we're back with more of Dad's breathtakingly original political pronouncements. Props to "O" for a novel riff on what has now been a repeated Irishization of POTUS.

You sound like you have DONE SOME of your homework, but you are MISSING a biggie! HEALTH INSURANCE!
Yes, your young now and mabye healthy, but if you have to buy your own, look out! My dad says that under O’Bama care, workeing peeople will be paying more and getting less. That mean’s you.
Frank put a line on my W2 showeing how much the firm is payeing for my insurance. It is alot, and I do NOT even use it alot. I just go for a check up to my GP, and to the dermatologist b/c we are VERY fairskined and therefore are at risk for skin leesion’s (Grandma Leyeh had one removed last month), and also to the OBGYN, b/c I want to have a baby soon so I MUST monitor that.
My dad says that if you are not workeing, O’Bamacare will cover you, but that does NOT help the rest of us. Also, since everyone will be covered, he said forget about getteing an appointment with your DOC any time soon and also that the office will be FLOODED with peeople who are not payeing, but must get covereage. FOOEY! I do NOT want to have to wait MONTH’s to see a doctor!
If DAD is right, and he useueally is, FOOEY on O’Bamacare. I wonder if the HIVE even know’s this? Well they do now if they read this! FOOEY!
I know all this b/c Dad was talkeing about this b/c we are pickeing up Rosa and the baby today! She is comeing home with the baby and I am baby sitteing all week, even tho the manageing partner is calleing me 6x a day. FOOEY on that. Rosa and the baby comes first! YAY!

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